Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 7

So I did not get to go to see Austin today. After we all went on Day 6 which was Saturday Justin got sick. We had to bring him to the children's er because he couldn't keep nothing down and threw up 23 times. My poor guy. On Sunday which is day 7 I started to feel sick and throwing up also so knew I couldn't go visit my little man. I cried so freaking hard. Alex stayed at my parents house with us to take care of us. I was in no condition to be able to take care of Justin on my own. This virus sucks so bad. 

So Sandra, Dad and mom went to go visit Austin in the NICU. He was opening his eyes!!

Look at my handsome little man! He WAS having troubles pooping but grandma Irene got to change it  lol. And let me tell you she said she wish she didn't!!:) Anyways he had a bit of a gag reflex today also. Good news all around for today besides us being sick. I won't get to see him on day 8 either because of us being sick. Don't want him to get sick for any reason.. 


  1. Amber I am so glad you got some good news on Austin. I hope you and Justin feel better soon. I know it is no fun being sick and it makes it worse that you can't go see Austin. I love reading all the updates. I will keep praying for you guys!!! GL Momma!!

  2. Yay for opening his eyes, pooping, and having a bit of a gagging reflex! All good news momma! I hope you get over this virus quickly so you can go and visit Austin!

  3. I'm so happy to hear the good news!! I hope you all start feeling better so you can go see him again soon! He's just too cute! Keep at it Austin!! :-D

  4. He's looking so good Amber!! Sorry that you guys are sick---hope you get better soon!
